E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Ceriporia purpurea (Fr.) Donk
no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi

© Adolf Ceska  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #19163)

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Distribution of Ceriporia purpurea
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Species Information

Features include 1) form that is flat with the pore surface exposed, or bent back to form a cap, or with stemless cap, 2) a purple pore surface, and 3) spores that are allantoid and 5-7 microns long.

Ceriporia purpurea has been found in BC, WA, OR, ID, AB, AZ, CA, CO, MT, NM, NV, and NY, (Gilbertson) and SK (Ginns). It also occurs in Europe, Asia, and Africa, (Breitenbach).
growing flat with pore surface exposed, or bent back to form a cap, or with stemless cap, usually spread out in small separate or confluent patches up to a few centimeters white, annual; margin less than 0.1cm wide, white, minutely tomentose, (Gilbertson), growing flat on wood, attached tightly, forming patches several centimeters to decimeters across, waxy soft when young, "hard and brittle when dry"; margin of pore surface distinctly bounded, white and poreless when young, (Breitenbach)
subiculum (tissue between tubes and wood) very thin, white, (Gilbertson)
3-4 per mm; "pale to dark brownish purple on dried specimens"; tube layer up to 0.1cm thick, pale to dark brownish purple, (Gilbertson), (3)4-5 per mm, "rounded to oblong and somewhat slit"; "whitish to pink when young, also salmon to purple in spots, later purple" (one collection bright orange), "quickly turning purple-violet when touched", "purple-brown to wine-red when dry"; tube layer 0.2-0.4cm thick, (Breitenbach)
Chemical Reactions:
pore surface turns purple-violet when dabbed with KOH, (Breitenbach)
spores 5-6 x 2-2.5 microns (some specimens have spores up to 9 microns long), allantoid [curved sausage-shaped], smooth, inamyloid, colorless; basidia 4-spored, 18-23 x 4-6 microns, clavate, simple-septate at base; hyphoid sterile elements on edges or tubes or folds and projecting up to 50 microns, 3-6 microns wide, cylindric, occasionally septate; hyphal system monomitic, subicular hyphae 1-6 microns wide, some lightly incrusted, colorless in KOH, simple septate, thin-walled to moderately thick-walled, with frequent branching, (Gilbertson), spores 6-7 x 2-2.3 microns, cylindric, allantoid, smooth, inamyloid, colorless, some with droplets, (Breitenbach)

Habitat / Range

annual, on dead hardwoods and conifers, causing white rot, (Gilbertson)

Synonyms and Alternate Names

Poria purpurea Fr.) Cooke

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Links

Genetic information (NCBI Taxonomy Database)
Taxonomic Information from the World Flora Online
Index Fungorium
Taxonomic reference: Konn. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amst. Proc. Ser. C. 74 No.1: 28. 1971

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Species References

Gilbertson(1), Ginns(28)*, Breitenbach(2)*

References for the fungi

General References